Today, we sent off our second 5000 piece direct mail. It is going to the same homes that the first direct mail went out to in Harriman, Rockwood, Kingston, Oak Ridge, Oliver Springs, Loudon, and Lenoir City. This is a 10 mile radius surrounding the Michael Dunn Center. Who knows what is going to happen Sunday, but we are praying. Many people are praying that people will “connect to hope in Jesus” and people will know that as long as there is breathe in their lungs that they would know that there is hope for them. No matter what we have done or where we have been, God is waiting to show us love. I wanted to share with you a thought that a friend sent me today, Kevin Bradford, who will be moving he and his family here from another state to join us in the work God has appointed us to do at Roane Church.
As I was reading through Luke 15, verse 1 and 2 caught my attention.
It says that the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to Him.
And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled saying, 'This man receives sinners
and eats with them.' May the tax collectors and sinners draw near Sunday as
Roane Church begins public services. May they be received, welcomed, and
loved! And as verses 7 and 10 say, may the maddest block party ever
be thrown in heaven because people have surrendered to Jesus and become cleansed through His blood! The Lord God Almighty is more than able to do far more than all we ask or think. May He be glorified?
I thought this was pretty cool. If you are reading this today, maybe take a moment, take a deep breath, and know you are loved by God. Hope to see you Sunday!
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